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A Polyvagal Exploration of the Impact of Choice to the Experience of Safety


This online program is worth 1.25 hours CPD.

An IFS Lens on Women and Addictive Processes-A New and Empowering Approach


This online program is worth 1.5 hours CPD.

Emotionally Focused Individual Therapy (EFIT) with Trauma Survivors: Coming Home to Yourself


This online program is worth 1.5 hours CPD.

Helping Women with PTSD: How Cognitive Processing Therapy Makes a Difference


This online program is worth 1.25 hours CPD.

Is This Person Borderline, Bipolar, Dissociative or Psychotic??? How to Differentiate These Disorders So You Can Treat the Patient According to Best Practices


This online program is worth 1.25 hours CPD.

Deconstructing Wonder Woman: Embodying our Trauma Bodies


This online program is worth 1.25 hours CPD.

Healing the incest wound


This online program is worth 1.5 hours CPD.

Working with perpetrator-imitating parts


This online program is worth 1.25 hours CPD.

Reproductive trauma and the unravelling of abortion care in the US and around the world


This online program is worth 1.25 hours CPD.

Honoring the Dissociative Mind in EMDR Therapy


This online program is worth 1.5 hours CPD.

Patriachy and Internalized Misogyny: Implications for Body-Oriented Treatment


This online program is worth 1.25 hours CPD.

To come as healers: the intersection of epigenetics, attachment and innate resources


This online program is worth 1.25 hours CPD.

Addressing women's trauma treatment in 2022: insights and implications for clinical practice


This online program is worth 1.0 hours CPD.

Nourishment for a woman's soul: mind-body interventions to support trauma recovery, resilience and post-traumatic growth


This online program is worth 1.5 hours CPD.

Building self-compassion after gender-based violence: toward reconnection of brain, mind, and body


This online program is worth 1.25 hours CPD.

Women, trauma, sex and pleasure


This online program is worth 1.25 hours CPD.

Father-daughter incest and clinical implications: manifestations of compounding, despotic patriarchal structures of coercive control


This online program is worth 1.5 hours CPD.

The future of women's trauma treatment


This online program is worth 1.0 hours CPD.

The Place of Justice in Recovering from Complex Trauma: A survivor’s perspective with Judith Herman M.D.


This online program is worth 1.25 hours CPD.

The Role of Shame in Sexual Abuse in Women


This online program is worth 1.25 hours CPD.

Borderline Personality Disorder as a Traumatic Attachment Disorder


This online program is worth 1.25 hours CPD.

EMDR, Women and Trauma: How Attachment-Focused EMDR Can Heal Trauma and Empower Women to Actualise their Potential


This online program is worth 1.25 hours CPD.

Examining the impact of racial trauma on BIPOC (Black indigenous people of colour): the assault on your mind, body and soul


This online program is worth 2 hours CPD.

Vicarious Trauma and Compassion Fatigue: Essentials for Therapists Working with Trauma


This online program is worth 1.25 hours CPD.