Full Course Description

10 Best Ever Anxiety Treatment Techniques Certification Course

Program Information


Module 1 – Anxiety Types and the Factors that Contribute to Anxiety Disorders

  • Differentiate the varied symptoms of the anxiety disorders identified in the DSM-5®
  • Identify comorbidity with depression or other anxiety disorders
  • The neurobiological basis of worry, panic and social anxiety
  • “Use the brain to change the brain.”: Why and how psychotherapy works
  • Using medications
  • When to refer for medication
  • Discontinuing under medical guidance
  • Lifestyle contributions to anxiety
  • Manage Intake - Deal with impact of Cannabis, caffeine, alcohol, tobacco/vaping, and sugar/sweeteners
  • Physical conditions that mimic panic


Module 2 – Panic and Fear Based Anxiety Disorders

  • Using the panic reduction protocol “Prevent Panic”
  • Applying interoceptive exposure
  • Eliminating panic triggers
  • Diaphragmatic breathing techniques and relaxation methods for physical and mental tension
  • Changing catastrophic thinking


Module 3 - Social Anxiety Disorder

  • Differentiate Social Anxiety from other conditions and identify skill-deficit conditions
  • Create successful exposures using protocols for memory reconsolidation
  • “3 Cs for Effective Exposure”
  • Mindful Awareness techniques to improve social anxiety fear
  • Challenge false beliefs and write new scripts
  • Emotional Freedom Techniques and EMDR for anticipatory anxiety and strengthening resourcefulness
  • Create effective exposures for different age groups


Module 4 – Stress: Impact and Management

  • The Stress response and the impact of screen time, electronic gaming, chronic stress and traumatic stress on anxiety disorders
  • The 4 competencies of stress recovery
  • Eliminating stressors, and apply “Heart Lock-In” Technique to identify and resolve stressors
  • Managing time and environment
  • Managing attitude
  • Rest and relaxation
  • Understanding and using Attention Restoration theory
  • Activating the default mode network


Module 5 – Generalized Anxiety and Worry

  • The Neurobiological basis and purpose of Worry
  • Eliminating Worry, including two methods to “Contain Your Worry”
  • Identify the TMA (Too Much Activity) high-drive worrier
  • Find positive ways to utilize the TMA energy to reduce the anxiety/worry
  • Explore the impact of ADHD on worry
  • The impact of aging on anxiety, especially in the TMA, and methods to create a new outlook
  • When Anxiety is Anger - find and resolve it
  • Cognitive Interventions to reduce persistent rumination


Module 6 – Phobias and Perfectionism

  • Cultural emphasis on perfection
  • Potential and Legitimate Guilt
  • Perfectionism, Procrastination and Anxiety
  • Trauma-related, situational and personality origins of phobias
  • Approaches to desensitize common phobias: Driving, Flying, Health


  1. Differentiate anxiety when comorbid with depression, PTSD, and other mental health conditions.
  2. Utilize the neurobiological factors of anxiety disorders for psychoeducation and selection of effective anxiety therapy techniques to improve therapy outcomes.
  3. Implement proven techniques such as breathing, cognitive interventions, and interoceptive exposure to help clients reduce/eliminate symptoms of panic.
  4. Teach cognitive methods that explore the self-defeating inner dialogue of clients and create new scripts to improve client level of functioning.
  5. Present 4 approaches that improve resilience to stress, including the impact of lifestyle, attitude and cognitive issues related to age and aging.
  6. Apply corrections for the negative impact of social media and internet gaming on physical aspects of anxiety and failure in adolescents and young adults.
  7. Breakdown the impact of both rest and relaxation and apply techniques to increase the benefits of both for managing anxiety symptoms.
  8. Characterize the correct application of memory reconsolidation to eliminate the impact of traumatic or serious events associated with phobias, panic, and social anxiety.
  9. Demonstrate the principles of memory reconsolidation to social anxiety management and the “3 C’s” (Calm, Competent, Confident) to create successful exposures for social anxiety and panic.
  10. Employ cognitive tools to decrease rumination, including methods to “erase the trace” of repetitive worry, forestall worry with planning and mental habits to reduce worry, including health anxiety.
  11. Analyze the relationship between perfectionism and procrastination in order to present 4 methods to manage worry.
  12. Investigate the origin of phobias to aid in selection of exposure applications for successful relief of flying and driving phobia.

Copyright : 03/06/2019